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LOUIS DREYFUS COMMODITIES路易达孚集团WHO WE ARE集团介绍The Louis Dreyfus Group is a worldwide organization of companies. It has been wholly owned by the Louis-Dreyfus family since its founding in 1851. LDCommodities is a world leader in the processing of agricultural products and the merchandising of a diverse range of commodities.路易达孚是一家全球性的集团公司,自一八五一年创办后便完全由路易达孚家族拥有。路易达孚贸易公司是一家从事农产品加工和众多商品的销售的国际领先企业。WHAT WE DOGLOBAL ACTIVITIES OF THE LOUIS DREFUS GROUP集团业务 Oilseeds Platform 油籽业务 Grains Platform 谷物业务 Rice Platform 大米业务 Juice Platform 果汁业务 Cotton Platform 棉花业务 Coffee Platform 咖啡业务 Sugar Platform 糖业务 Dairy Platform 牛奶业务 Metal Platform金属业务 Fertilizers Platform 化肥业务 Freight Platform 海运业务LOUIS DREYFUS GLOBAL PRESENCE业务覆盖Louis Dreyfus companies are present in over 55 countries, with major offices in Beijing, Buenos Aires, Paris, Geneva, Sao Paulo, Singapore Wilton (Connecticut) and Memphis (Tennessee). Today, the Group employs more than 22,000 employees around the world, and booked net sales of US$63.6 billion in 2013.路易达孚已经在全世界55个国家设立了办事机构,包括北京、布宜诺斯艾利斯、巴黎、日内瓦、圣保罗、新加坡、美国维尔顿(康涅狄格州)和孟菲斯(田纳西州)。到今天为止,全球雇员总数超过2.2万,2013年销售净额达636亿美元。LOUIS DREYFUS IN CHINA路易达孚中国CottonA major cotton office has been established in Beijing to handle trading, merchandising and logistical support for both domestic and import cotton in China. Louis Dreyfus Commodities (Beijing) Trading Co., Ltd. on behalf of Louis Dreyfus Commodities S.A. and Allenberg Cotton Co., offers cotton for import to customers around the China.棉花路易达孚是世界最大的棉花贸易商。路易达孚将世界主产区的棉花销往全球各个消费市场。年贸易量超过150万吨。路易达孚由设在美国孟菲斯的艾仑宝棉花公司和设在日内瓦的路易达孚瑞士来经营全球棉花贸易。同时,在巴西、日内瓦、中国大陆及中国香港、印度、巴拉圭、乌兹别克和西非也设有办事处。Oil & OilseedThe oilseeds division of the Louis Dreyfus Group trades and merchandises in all principal international markets. This division's activities include origination, processing and aggregation for export in primary agricultural production centers and the shipment, import and domestic distribution in local consumption markets throughout the world. The Group handles oilseeds and oilseed products, including soybeans, canola, rapeseed, cottonseed and sunflower among others. It also merchandises agricultural by-products derived from processing.油脂油料路易达孚集团旗下的油脂油料事业部,全面参与国际油脂油料及其主要相关市场贸易。油脂油料部在主产区主要从事种植、收购直至出口的产业链服务,贸易范围遍及船运、货物进出口、副产品交易及需求国分销等各项业务.。集团交易的油脂油料品种主要包括:大豆、菜籽、棉籽、葵花籽等。All GrainThe wheat and rice department of Louis Dreyfus China is committed to enhancing business activities and providing its customers with up-to-the-minute information about the grain markets. We have offices in wheat producing and consuming countries with timely, accurate, delicate and comprehensive international market information.谷物路易达孚中国的小麦和大米部致力于为中国客户提供完善的市场贸易和信息服务。通过在全球主要小麦生产国和消费国建立的众多企业及分支机构,我们能在第一时间为客户提供准确、细致、全面的国际行情。SugarLouis Dreyfus is one of the leading sugar trading companies with excellent reputation in the world sugar market. The headquarter of sugar division is in Geneva and it controls the world raw/white cash sugar trading through domestic agencies in over 50 countries. Meanwhile, Louis Dreyfus now becomes the second largest sugar producer in Brazil with continuous assets investment. After many years of business cooperation, we have built good and solid relationship with customers in America, Central East, Africa and Southeast Asia, etc., And we have superiority and increased influence on cash trading and consistent position in NYBOT and London futures market with the support from the company's own sugar mills in brazil and freight team.糖路易达孚公司糖部是食糖行业最著名的全球贸易商之一,其总部设在日内瓦,通过世界各地的分支机构或子公司进行国际食糖(原糖和白糖)现货贸易;同时,路易达孚公司也积极介入固定资产投资,现已成为巴西第二大食糖生产商。在多年的贸易往来中,我们与南美、中东、非洲、东南亚等各国的客户建立了深厚的友谊及良好稳固的合作关系;此外,公司也积极利用其在巴西的固定资产投资及自有船队的优势,不断拓展业务范围,增强公司在现货交易及在纽约和伦敦期盘的影响力。JuiceJuice platform was founded in LDC China in 2010, with the main business of AJC (Apple Juice Concentrate) production & export and FCOJ (Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice) imports. The headquarter of Juice locates in Brazil and the whole platform possess offices in more than 10 countries of the world. The global market share of our China AJC export covers more than 10% in 2011/12 crop year.果汁路易达孚中国的果汁事业部成立于2010年,以生产和出口浓缩苹果汁(AJC)及进口冷冻浓缩橙汁(FCOJ)为主要业务。果汁事业部的总部位于巴西,在全球十余个国家中设有办事处。在2011/12榨季中,路易达孚中国的AJC出口量突破了全球市场份额的10%。FreightThe Louis Dreyfus Group has engaged in shipping activities for over 100 years and is today one of the world's ten leaders in the bulk carrier industry. Shipping is the activity most naturally related to trading, the business on which Louis Dreyfus was founded. The LD chartering team is in charge of all bulk carriers chartering for the global trading business of the group and also cooperate with global customers on freight,ship their cargo and meet their bulk shipping demand. The Group began chartering cargo vessels in the Black Sea in the late 1800's.海运路易达孚集团从事海运业已有100多年的历史,目前是世界散货海运业居于领先地位的十大公司之一。海运与贸易间有着很深的渊源,而路易达孚集团就是以贸易为起点并且发展壮大的。路易达孚海运部负责为集团在全球范围内的散货贸易业务从事租船,同时与世界各地的客户合作,承运其货物,满足其海运需求。集团自19世纪晚期即开始在黑海地区承租货船。MetalLDC formed the Metals Platform in 2005 with the objective of growing into a top ranked global non-ferrous trading house. The Metals platform is currently trading base metals in refined and raw materials form and is one of the worlds leading traders of copper and zinc concentrates. The Metals platform is headquartered in Geneva with regional offices in Chile, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Canada, South Africa, Singapore, and China. In the relatively short period since entering the non-ferrous industry LDC's Metals Platform has developed a substantial global business trading copper cathodes and copper, zinc, and lead concentrates and has become a important partner to major mining and smelting companies around the world. During 2009 LDC expects to move over one million tones of concentrates and over 200,000mts of copper cathodes.金属路易达孚于2005年成立了金属部,目标成为全球一流的有色金属贸易商。如今我们的基本金属业务涉及精炼金属和金属原材料贸易,并已跻身于世界主要的铜矿和锌矿贸易商行列。金属部总部设于日内瓦,并在智利、秘鲁、巴西、墨西哥、美国、加拿大、南非、新加坡和中国都设有办公地点。路易达孚踏入有色金属行业的时间并不长,然而已在全球成功架设起电解铜、铜精矿、铅锌精矿的业务网络,并成为世界上主要矿业集团和冶炼工厂的重要客户或供货商之一。2009年路易达孚的业务量预计超过100万吨精矿以及20万吨电解铜。For more Information please visit our official websites:http://www.ldcom.com/global/en/更多信息可以登录官方网站:http://www.ldcom.com/global/en/Or you can send email to:hr.china@ldcom.comWorld Financial Centre, East Tower, 14/F, 1 East 3rd Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100020或者发邮件至: hr.china@ldcom.com地址:中国北京市朝阳区工体北路甲2号 盈科中心 A座24层,邮编100027

公司地址:北京市 朝阳区 工体北路 甲2号 盈科中心 A栋24层 (邮编:100027)